
Showing posts from December, 2010

Safe Tub Walk In Tub

Safe Step Walk-In Tub. The team of 4 Amir and the three did an excellent job to complete the project on time. Jacuzzi Tub Lawsuits Highlight Safety Concerns For Elderly Allen Scofield Injury Lawyers Llc Offer available while supplies last. Safe tub walk in tub . Find out how Safe Tub Walk-In Tub can help. Our research found one walk in tub as small as l w h 36 5 x 33 5 x 29 5 and a tub as large as 60 x 32 x 47. Our revolutionary walk in tubs are the premium bathtub for a safer healthier and more comfortable bathing experience. A Safe Step Walk-In Tub will offer independence to those seeking a safe and comfortable way to bathe in your own home. Must present offer at time of purchase. What other walk-in tub manufacturers offer as optional. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co. Safe Step also makes a Hybrid walk-in tub which is essentially the same as the walk-in tub but features an overhead shower. You owe it to yourself. Benefits of a Walk-in Tub Easy Access Walk-in T...